3Daley Print Manufacturing
Specializing in functional FDM design and PLA printed items that perfectly align with your unique needs.
Services Rendered
Custom Products
We have many color customizations available on all designs we currently sell on-site. Some of our offerings have a wide array of possibilities, especially the Modi Boxi. Click below to explore in more detail.
Printing Services
If you want it and you can’t find it, we can create a design to meet your specifications. We focus primarily on tabletop game insert design, so our strengths lie in maximizing available space to organize game components and make those elements more functional.
Custom Design
If we don’t have a design available, you can provide your own files that we can print and ship to you. Remember, we try our best to provide a high quality item, but the more details you can provide, the closer your expectations will be realized.
Get in Touch
We want to hear from you! If you have any questions, or if you’d like to request more information about our products and services, please fill out this form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.